O baixista do Pearl Jam fez mais uma entrevista, dessa vez para o site Guerrilla Candy. Coloco aqui, além da entrevista em inglês, algumas partes mais importantes:
- No momento a banda não tem planos para o ano de 2013 (com exceção dos shows aqui na América do Sul), e que planejam retomar a gravação do novo álbum para o final de Janeiro ou começo de Fevereiro.
- O novo álbum ainda não tem data para ficar pronto, e que pode acontecer qualquer coisa daqui para frente; e que mesmo eles já tendo 7 ou 8 músicas gravadas, o novo trabalho é ainda um "quadro em branco"; e que quando o grupo ligar e disser: estamos prontos para recomeçar, ele para tudo o que estiver fazendo e se volta para a gravação do álbum.
- Jeff comenta a vantagem de ser uma banda independente, mas sabe a importância de se estabelecerem prazos.
- O baixista concorda com o entrevistador quando este comenta que o novo álbum é apenas um rascunho em uma tela.
*Finalmente algo mais claro e honesto. A Banda realmente está sem pressa, provavelmente se focando em projetos paralelos e, no caso do Eddie, na turnê solo norte americana.
A entrevista no original (parte dela):
What are Pearl Jam’s plans for 2013?
There really are no plans right now. We have a few shows in South America on the calendar and that’s about it. I think that’s kind of by design. I think the idea is that everybody takes the holidays off and then at some point somebody will pick up the phone, maybe late January or early February, and that will kind of start the (recording) process over again.
People want to know what’s going on with the next record and I think everybody has sort of talked about it, but it still really isn’t anything. We still don’t really know exactly when we will finish it so it’s hard to talk about it. It really could be anything at this point. Even though we have seven or eight songs recorded it’s still sort of a blank slate and that’s exciting.
I don’t think there’s any doubt we’re going to make a record, but when that’s going to be, and when everybody is ready to do it, well that’s another story. And there’s no pressure. So if at any point the guys called up and said “Hey, we’re ready to do this,” I’d have no problem dropping everything because that’s my first love. I’m going to do whatever works for everyone else.
That lack of pressure has to be a nice byproduct of being an independent band now and being able to call your own shots when it comes to recording and releasing an album.
I think just as long as we create deadlines for ourselves. I think, well, we’ve all witnessed how that turned out for Axl Rose … You know how it is when you write. You can always rewrite everything. You can make it better, or different, or more unique. Every day you’re going to improve as a writer and your take on things might be different. At some point you just have to let go and move on to the next thing. That’s always the tricky part of being in a band. When is it good enough? When is there too much paint on the canvas and when isn’t there too much paint on the canvas? That’s always a tricky balance.
So right now it’s sort of like a blank canvas with only a sketch?
Yeah it really is. There is some stuff that’s pretty well finished and sounds good right now, but who knows if that stuff is going to end up on the next record. We may get together this spring and come up 15 things that are better than that, and that’s the new record …
É, vai demorar bastante. Chuto que deve sair em outubro ou novembro de 2013. A ansiedade passaria um pouco se eles lançassem os bootlegs ou um DVD dos shows de PJ20 em Alpine. Espero que seja uma das primeiras confirmações para 2013 da banda (depois do show aqui, claro).
ResponderExcluirPois é, com certeza eles lançam algo durante esse tempo. Não dá pra ficar tanto tempo sem nada de novo!