sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2012
30 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em Fort Lauderdale I
Cidade: Fort Lauderdale
Estado: Florida
Data: 30.11.2012
Local: Broward Center for the Performing Arts
Hora: 20:30h (23:30h de Brasília)
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de número 19/22
01. Throw Your Arms Around Me-(Archer, Falconer, Howard, Mills, Seymour, Smith, Waters)
02. Sometimes
03. Long Road
04. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
(“This is the first thrash metal ukulele song..”)
05. Can’t Keep
06. Sleeping By Myself
07. Without You
08. Light Today
09. I Am Mine (uses the same fast strumming instrumental break he also uses in “Millworker”. It is not part of the original James Taylor song. The break is Ed’s.)
(Ed thanks the audience for their enthusiastic response. Ed says the next song is about a woman. “But it could go both ways. Like some women and some men. I wish I had homosexual tendencies so I could come down to Florida and really piss some people off when I came out.” A guy in the crowd asks Ed to marry him. Ed ask what he looks like because he sounds a little rough. It goes on from there.)
10. Betterman
11. Setting Forth
12. Far Behind
13. Guaranteed
(Ed talks about the preferred way to hold a guitar which means covering up his balls not up under his chin. Ed says he has “a couple of friends from Chicago. One new and old. So happy birthday to George and Christina.”)
14. Rise
(Ed invites Glen to come play. He asks Glen how is mom is doing (she is at the show) and introduces Glen and the Audience to Mark Richards, a famous surfer. The tape machine and drum box have MR stickers on them. He says, “Mark doesn’t normally get such good seats but since he paddle-boarded from Melbourne we thought we would put him up front.)
15. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
(Ed tells the audience that jelly fish are immortal. He explains that when they are starving they shrink up and return to an earlier, younger shape until they no longer need to. He says scientists are studying it learn how to make people live longer. He says being immortal might take away some of the precious moments we treasure as mortal beings..”I’m gonna live forever so fuck it..., So, there needs to be a balance...”)
16. Immortality
(Ed talks about the first time Pearl Jam played Miami at the Cameo Theater. He got a terrible sunburn. When he was climbing around the building, which he contemplates doing tonight, and went into the audience, all of the people clawing at his sunburned back was one of the most physically painful things he ever experienced.)
17. Porch
Encore Break 1
18. Loud Uke
19. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)
(“This next song is a request. I don’t really do it but I am gonna try.”)
20. Reason To Believe-(Springsteen)
21. Just Breathe
(Ed says the next song is very important to him. The song helped him get through some things in his life and hearing that someone else could go through something so difficult gave him hope knowing that if they got through the situation, maybe he could too.)
22. Good Woman-(Chan Marshall)
Ed notes that he got to sing on “Good Woman” when Chan was recording in Seattle and she sang on his version of “Tonight You Belong To Me.” Ed hadn’t even really seen Chan since then although they are friends. “I am very happy she is here tonight and please treat her with respect - the great Chan Marshall.”)
23. Tonight You Belong To Me w/ Chan Marshall [Cat Power]-(Rose/David)
24. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
25. Sleepless Nights w/Glen Hansard-(Bryant, Bryant) (Busk-no PA or mics)
(Crowd is very noisy for this song. A drunk shouts “Let’s go Patriots.” This causes Ed and Glen to stop playing and say “f you” to the idiot. It also causes more drunken shouting for other teams and requests and general shushing. They quickly finish the song and move back to the mics. After Ed and Glen get back to the carpet Ed admonishes the first person that yelled, saying, “I don’t care who you root for, it is more your timing.”)
(During the first quiet verse of “Falling Slowly” some other person shouts “Patriots Suck”)
26. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
27. Unthought Known
28. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young)
Encore Break 2
29. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard & Chan Marshall-(Peterson)
30. Tomorrow Night-(Traditional)
quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2012
Ten Club Faz Convenção em Seattle
O Tenclub anunciou que fará uma espécie de convenção que contará com a venda de diversos posteres (os artistas estarão lá para dar autógrafos e conversar com os fãs) e produtos raros que foram à venda unicamente pelo site oficial da banda. A raríssima versão em vinil do show que a banda fez no Benaroya Hall (foto abaixo), hoje vendida no ebay por $1200 dólares na média, será a atração principal do show e provavelmente se esgotará em poucos minutos. O evento acontecerá no dia 2 de Dezembro em Seattle, e se algum brasileiro, fã de Pearl Jam, que mora na região, estiver lendo isso, não perca essa oportunidade!
quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2012
Download: Eddie Vedder em Tulsa I e II (Audience)
28 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em Orlando II
Cidade: Orlando
Estado: Florida
Data: 28.11.2012
Local: Bob Carr Performing Arts Center
Hora: 20:30 (23:30 de Brasília)
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de número 18/22
*Eddie dedica as próximas músicas, todas do "Into The Wild", ao outro explorador e aventureiro Matt Cameron, que completou 50 anos.
*Eddie toca a brevíssima "Hey Fahkah" a pedidos de uma das suas filhas (que depois entra no palco e entrega ao pai o violão que ele iria tocar a próxima música).
01. Brain Damage (played behind front curtain)
02. Sometimes (curtain raises at start of song)
03. Long Road
04. Can’t Keep
(Ed reads this news story to the audience. ... le-attack/
He says “what a waste of good ukulele. How about write a song on the ukulele and you can afford to buy the beer.”)
05. Sleeping By Myself
06. Without You
(Ed says the next song is the one his children wanted to hear most from the “Ukulele Songs” album
07. Hey Fahkah
08. More Than You Know
(“You know, heroin changed my life. I wouldn’t be in the band I am in if it wasn’t for that deceitful drug. It cut short the life of the band Mother Love Bone and it ended the life Andy Wood their lead singer. I think about him a lot. So, I wanna play this one for Andy”)
09. Needle & The Damage Done-(Young)
10. Unthought Known
(Ed’s daughters bring his guitar out to him for the next song)
11. Man Of The Hour
(Ed wants to dedicate the next bunch of songs about Chris McCandless to another explorer and adventurer on his 50th birthday. Matt Cameron)
12. Setting Forth
13. Far Behind
(Ed had heard that a woman had travelled from Argentina to come to the show. Her tickets were in the back of the theater but she got upgraded to the front row. He thanks her for coming and says if she travelled [some people shout out where they had travelled from including Rome and Puerto Rico] He says, “Here is some traveling music for you.)
14. Guaranteed
(Lots of people are shouting requests especially for “Black.” Ed says “Did I hear someone ask everyone to shut the fuck up? Because sometimes I only hear what I want to hear. So yes, I would like a nice cold beer and an omelette.” Ed then goes on to talk about his friend Wilton Dedge who had been wrongfully convicted of a crime. Even after DNA evidenced proved he didn’t commit the crime he spent another year and half in prison going through the process. Ed got to meet Wilton while working on the West Memphis Three and is happy and grateful Wilton can be at the show tonight.)
15. Rise-(for Wilton Dedge)
16. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
17. Driftin’
(Audience is shouting more requests, especially Black, and some woman makes a high pitched squeal/gurgle. Ed asks if she is okay. After a moment she replies “No.” Ed says “You will be... not knowing the situation but trying to shed some light on it.” He then goes on to talk about small towns and how a town can seem smaller once you have left it and grown as a person and then come back to see it. “One of the great things about real small towns is they give you a desire to get out”)
18. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
19. Parting Ways
20. Lukin (with Slow Lukin intro)
21. Porch
Encore Break 1
(“One of the best things you can get in life is finding a job you would do free. The other one is finding the perfect partner for you. It’s hard because people change and grow and it is beautiful when you can grow together.”)
22. Picture In A Frame-(Kathleen Brennan/Tom Waits)
23. Just Breathe
(Ed is wondering what to play next. He gets a consensus request for the next song but before he plays it he talks about Willie Nelson covering “Just Breathe.” He notes that he got really high and listened to the song about 20 times in a row and the next time he went to play it with Pearl Jam all he could hear was the Nelson version.)
24. Off He Goes
25. Loud Uke
(Ed talks about various jobs he had including collecting shopping carts and stocking coolers. He talks about how marijuana made for interesting cart pick up patterns and how singing The Who albums while stocking coolers could freak out customers.)
26. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
27. Sleepless Nights w/ Glen Hansard-(Bryant, Bryant) Not busked.
(Ed talks about Woody Guthrie and “This Land Is Your Land.” He talks about taxes, “I pay a lot of taxes, thanks to you, but I don’t want to see that money going to wars. There are bunch of CEO’s complaining that their taxes are going up. Well they aren’t going up. They got cut twelve years ago and they are going back to the rate they were before that. It is like these guys have been drinking at the bar for 12 years for free and now it is time to pay for their drinks. And you know what? They can afford it.” So this song is about something and it has great last line.”)
28. This Land Is Your Land w/ Glen Hansard-(Guthrie)
29. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
(Ed says he heard about another person being killed and the “Stand Your Ground” law being invoked. “I understand protecting yourself, but when you stand your ground someone else ends up laying on the ground. I like guns as much as the next guy...if the next guy is the Dali Llama. It seems like Florida and Arizona are in an arms race...I mean we do all sorts of weird stuff in the northwest. We smoke pot, go to gay weddings and throw axes. If you are going to do something. please, do it respectfully.”)
30. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young)
Encore Break 2
31. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard-(Peterson)
Parabéns Matt Cameron!!!
50 anos de vida (não parece!) de um dos melhores bateristas de todos os tempos! Parabéns Matt!!!
27 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em Orlando I
Cidade: Orlando
Estado: Florida
Data: 27.11.2012
Local: Bob Carr Performing Arts Center
Hora: 20:30 (23:30 de Brasília)
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de número 17/22
01. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
02. I Am Mine
(Ed tells the audience that he can’t believe he has only been here three times. He says if the crowd is good he will report back to the guys in Pearl Jam. He also tells the audience they are going to be here for a while so take advantage of the seats. “I have also noticed that out in the audience...(guy in crowd yells “turn your fucking phones off!” Ed says, “my phone is off. I turned it off before I came out here. If you see a phone on it is some other asshole.” He then notes that the they are having trouble with the lights which is causing them to turn on and off. It isn’t part of the show and they hope to have it worked out.)
03. Can’t Keep
04. Sleeping By Myself
(“the ukulele kept the sad songs from being too sad. It was just light enough to keep out suicidal thoughts.” He talks about a book on knots he got and learned to tie a noose. His friends didn’t appreciate the joke when he sent them polaroids of him with a noose tied to a beam and around his neck. “The only reason I could write a happy song is I finally met the right girl”)
05. Without You
06. Light Today
(Ed talks about being about 18 or 19 and having to move back to Chicago because he had no money and no job. He tells of riding busses and sitting at cafe tables where customers have left half cups of coffee and drinking those and getting refills. He also spent time at the library looking at music books and learning chords for songs. One of those songs happened to be the song Sean Penn asked him to do for “I Am Sam”. Ed knew that song from his days spent in the library.
07. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)
08. Wishlist
(Ed tells a story about when his daughter was about three “sitting in the back seat of my car singing ‘Hollaback Girl’ and she has my squint, so she is back there singing ‘it’s my shit, it’s my shit..’ looking totally bad ass”
“The other song she would sing is”...Ed then sings and plays a little bit of ABBA’s “Fernando” changing the title lyric to “Orlando”.)
09. Good Woman-(Chan Marshall)
(Ed’s youngest daughter brings out the guitar for the next song. Ed comments, “That is a good woman”)
10. Better Man
11. Far Behind
12. No Ceiling
13. Guaranteed
14. Rise-(Dedicated to two great kids that aren’t directly related to Ed. Griffin and Haley)
15. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
(some knucklehead in the audience keeps yelling gibberish at Ed. Something about mashed potatoes and gravy. Ed asks him what he is going on about. The guy then yells “Ed ate all the leftovers!” Ed jokes, “If I was George Bush and gave people nicknames yours would be “Leftovers”. Audience laughs and cheers. Ed then says, “you know there was a guy a few shows ago that was just yelling nonsense. Nobody could make out what he was yelling. Well, the guy wrote an email to us and apologized for being so drunk and acting so rudely. We thanked him and sent him a link to alcoholics anonymous. True story!”)
16. Immortality
(Ed recalls a story about playing a place called “The Edge” back in 1991 or so. He talks about the terrible steroid freaks working security. Ed started to climb on I-beam and one of the security guys went after him and they ended up having wrestling/jousting match on the I-Beam. Ed managed to escape and dive into the crowd leaving the security guy holding his flannel shirt.)
17. Porch
Encore Break 1
18. Last Kiss-(Cochran)
19. Just Breathe
20. Pump Organ
21. Unthought Known
(Ed’s friend Bronson Arroyo comes onstage to play with Ed. Ed says he doesn’t normally play this song. The last time he did it was for a $5,000 donation to the Heal EB charity. He had heard that Bronson could play the song and was in town so he thought he “would play it again for free.” He does ask that people donate to the charity if they can. “This will work better if you guys sing along like we around the campfire. Can we get the campfire turned back on?”
22. Black w/ Bronson Arroyo (playing acoustic guitar)
23. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan
24. Sleepless Nights w/ Glen Hansard-(Bryant, Bryant) busking no mics or PA
25. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
(some guy yells ‘Glorified G’. Ed says, “What’s that?..we are never ever getting back together? Is that what you said?” He then notes that if Jimi Hendrix was alive he would have been 70 years old today. “And he probably would have lived next door to me. Me and Jimi, hanging out, smoking some pot. Mike McCready on the other side. Hell I wouldn’t even need any pot just those two guys playing would be enough.”
26. Crazy Mary-(Williams)
(Ed switches to acoustic guitar and plays another outro round of Crazy Mary then segues into...)
27. All Along The Watchtower-(Dylan)
28. Keep On Rocking In The Free World-(Young)
(Ed only played a a little bit of “Rockin” and he played it slowly and quietly. It was more of tag with “Watchtower” )
Encore Break 2
29. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard & Bronson Arroyo-(Peterson)
30. Dream A Little Dream-(Gus Kahn, Wilbur Schwandt, Fabian Andree)
terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2012
Eddie Vedder Participará de Evento Beneficente
O Eddie irá participar do evento "Concetto For Sandy Relief", que terá as doações revertidas para as pessoas que de alguma forma sofreram com a ação do furação Sandy. Além do vocalista do Pearl Jam. já confirmaram presença: Bruce Springsteen, Paul MacCartney, The Who, Bon Jovi, Roger Watters, entre outros convidados. O evento acontecerá no dia 12 de Dezembro no Madison Square Garden, em Nova Iorque. Para mais informações, clique aqui.
Tenclub Relança "Welcome to Discovery Park" do Brad
O Tenclub relançou o álbum "Welcome to Discovery Park, do Brad, banda paralela do Stone, lançado anteriormente em 2002. Ele está disponível pelo Itunes, em CD ($12.00) e em Vinil ($20.00).
Vocalista do Marron 5 = Baterista do Pearl Jam?
É que o Adam Levina, vocalista do Marron 5, quer ser ano que vem: baterista do Pearl Jam. Com a ausência do Matt durante a turnê que fará com o Soundgarden em Janeiro e Fevereiro, o vocalista da banda californiana colocou no seu twitter a seguinte mensagem:
"Se o Pearl Jam precisar de um baterista temporário enquanto o Matt Cameron tocar com o Soundgarden, eu tenho praticado os seus álbuns desde que tenho 11 anos. Eu estou PRONTO!"
Em seguida, escreveu em um outro twitter:
"1. Eu estou falando muito sério. 2. MUITO sério."
E aí, o que acham dessa mudança? (imagino que o Pearl Jam nem tenha pensado nisso, eles devem voltar a gravar só depois que o Matt terminar a sua turnê)
domingo, 25 de novembro de 2012
25 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em Jacksonville II
Estado: Florida
Data: 25.11.2012
Hora: 20:30h (23:30h de Brasília)
Local: Moran Theather
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de Número 16/22
*O Eddie comentou que não está nessa turnê apenas para fazer shows, mas também para selecionar possíves lugares que o Pearl Jam irá tocar. (turnê americana ano que vem?)
*Sobre a música "Arc", Eddie falou que ela foi feita com nove vocais gravados separadamente em diferentes tons e depois unidos na música. Essas nove vozes são a das nove pessoas que morreram na tragédia no festival Rocksilde, em 2000, e não há letra, uma vez que é impossível descrever o que o grupo sentiu depois daquele acontecimento.
01. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)
02. Don’t Be Shy-(Yusuf Islam)
(Ed greets the crowd and talks about how the audience the night before was the perfect balance between enthusiasm and respect for the music and each other. “I didn’t have to play lifeguard and look out for people and make sure there was nothing going on. I don’t like playing lifeguard. I want to surf with the rest of you. Now, I am not just out here playing shows I am scouting for places for Pearl Jam to play so...If we get two good ones here...)
03. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
04. Can’t Keep
(“See, ukulele songs don’t all have to be about sitting on the sea shore. Not that there is anything wrong about sitting on the sea shore..” He talks about the next song being a sad one and that if it happens to you get a ukulele. It is a song writing machine. “You can write happy or sad songs. You can go both ways. Not that I go both ways...It’s just that sometimes...a male voice shouts out of the darkness ‘well timed male voice shouts “I love you Eddie”..Ed says, “That, like that..of course at the time that I wrote this song I probably would have slept with that guy”)
05. Sleeping By Myself
( a conversation that digresses and ends up making R. Kelly’ references and ends up with Ed talking about his wife and family)
06. You're True
07. Thumbing My Way
08. Good Woman-(Chan Marshall)
09. Wishlist
(Ed says he usually only plays this song if he has some reason to but tonight he is happy to say that he hasn’t lost anyone lately)
10. Man Of The Hour
(Ed talks about Into The Wild and surfing and the best way to warm your entire body by internally warming your wet suit. They also ran into Jelly Fish and Ed wished he had given more thought and planning to when and how much he urinated.)
11. Far Behind
12. Setting Forth
13. Guaranteed
(Ed says that when he gets home in December, now that marijuana is legal he is going to roll a joint the size of a Duraflame log. “In Seattle we have all these great laws, legal pot, gay marriage and you can download music for free..oh wait, that is everywhere, damn it.”)
14. Rise
15. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
(Ed has the campfire and stars turned back on. He talks about being at a campout and people asking him if he knows “Take Me Home Country Roads or something by ABBA” He briefly sings a bit of “Fernando” and says, “No, I don’t really know that one but I know this one....”)
16. Lukin
17. Porch
Encore Break 1
(Ed talks about what a privilege it is to play for so many people in the military here in Jacksonville. He also talks about the organization “Wounded Warriors”)
18. I Am A Patriot-(Van Zandt)
19. I’m One-(Townshend) for Ed’s friend Dr. Matt. (While strumming the intro Ed says that “Pete’s music meant so much to me, still does, that I used to think I should send Pete ‘Father’s Day’ cards.”)
20. Just Breathe
21. Unthought Known
22. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
23. Sleepless Nights w/ Glen Hansard-(Bryan, Bryant) played with mics and PA
24. This Land Is Your Land w/ Glen Hansard-(Guthrie)
25. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
26. Open All Night-(Springsteen)
27. Parting Ways
28. The End
(Ed explains the origin of the song “Arc”. Although he hasn’t talked much about it before he describes how the song was layered up using 9 vocal tracks that repeat and loop. One vocal track for each person that died at Roskilde. He likens the song to a prayer. “There aren’t really words because there are no words to describe how we feel about what happened.”
He goes onto say that he had been thinking about the Wounded Warriors and figured that it would take 28 hours to do a vocal loop for all of the soldiers killed and even more if the suicides were included.)
29. Arc
Encore Break 2
30. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard-(Peterson)
31. Dream A Little Dream-(Kahn, Schwandt, Andree
*Sobre a música "Arc", Eddie falou que ela foi feita com nove vocais gravados separadamente em diferentes tons e depois unidos na música. Essas nove vozes são a das nove pessoas que morreram na tragédia no festival Rocksilde, em 2000, e não há letra, uma vez que é impossível descrever o que o grupo sentiu depois daquele acontecimento.
01. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)
02. Don’t Be Shy-(Yusuf Islam)
(Ed greets the crowd and talks about how the audience the night before was the perfect balance between enthusiasm and respect for the music and each other. “I didn’t have to play lifeguard and look out for people and make sure there was nothing going on. I don’t like playing lifeguard. I want to surf with the rest of you. Now, I am not just out here playing shows I am scouting for places for Pearl Jam to play so...If we get two good ones here...)
03. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
04. Can’t Keep
(“See, ukulele songs don’t all have to be about sitting on the sea shore. Not that there is anything wrong about sitting on the sea shore..” He talks about the next song being a sad one and that if it happens to you get a ukulele. It is a song writing machine. “You can write happy or sad songs. You can go both ways. Not that I go both ways...It’s just that sometimes...a male voice shouts out of the darkness ‘well timed male voice shouts “I love you Eddie”..Ed says, “That, like that..of course at the time that I wrote this song I probably would have slept with that guy”)
05. Sleeping By Myself
( a conversation that digresses and ends up making R. Kelly’ references and ends up with Ed talking about his wife and family)
06. You're True
07. Thumbing My Way
08. Good Woman-(Chan Marshall)
09. Wishlist
(Ed says he usually only plays this song if he has some reason to but tonight he is happy to say that he hasn’t lost anyone lately)
10. Man Of The Hour
(Ed talks about Into The Wild and surfing and the best way to warm your entire body by internally warming your wet suit. They also ran into Jelly Fish and Ed wished he had given more thought and planning to when and how much he urinated.)
11. Far Behind
12. Setting Forth
13. Guaranteed
(Ed says that when he gets home in December, now that marijuana is legal he is going to roll a joint the size of a Duraflame log. “In Seattle we have all these great laws, legal pot, gay marriage and you can download music for free..oh wait, that is everywhere, damn it.”)
14. Rise
15. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
(Ed has the campfire and stars turned back on. He talks about being at a campout and people asking him if he knows “Take Me Home Country Roads or something by ABBA” He briefly sings a bit of “Fernando” and says, “No, I don’t really know that one but I know this one....”)
16. Lukin
17. Porch
Encore Break 1
(Ed talks about what a privilege it is to play for so many people in the military here in Jacksonville. He also talks about the organization “Wounded Warriors”)
18. I Am A Patriot-(Van Zandt)
19. I’m One-(Townshend) for Ed’s friend Dr. Matt. (While strumming the intro Ed says that “Pete’s music meant so much to me, still does, that I used to think I should send Pete ‘Father’s Day’ cards.”)
20. Just Breathe
21. Unthought Known
22. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
23. Sleepless Nights w/ Glen Hansard-(Bryan, Bryant) played with mics and PA
24. This Land Is Your Land w/ Glen Hansard-(Guthrie)
25. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
26. Open All Night-(Springsteen)
27. Parting Ways
28. The End
(Ed explains the origin of the song “Arc”. Although he hasn’t talked much about it before he describes how the song was layered up using 9 vocal tracks that repeat and loop. One vocal track for each person that died at Roskilde. He likens the song to a prayer. “There aren’t really words because there are no words to describe how we feel about what happened.”
He goes onto say that he had been thinking about the Wounded Warriors and figured that it would take 28 hours to do a vocal loop for all of the soldiers killed and even more if the suicides were included.)
29. Arc
Encore Break 2
30. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard-(Peterson)
31. Dream A Little Dream-(Kahn, Schwandt, Andree
sábado, 24 de novembro de 2012
24 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em Jacksonville I
Cidade: Jacksonville
Estado: Florida
Data: 24.11.2012
Hora: 20:30h (23:30h de Brasília)
Local: Moran Theather
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de Número 15/22
01. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
02. Can’t Keep
(guy in audience screams “welcome to Jacksonville Eddie”. Ed responds, “Home of the Jackson Five? No wait that is (sings) Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana.” He then invites the audience to be seated because “we are going to be here awhile. I made the same offer to Tulsa but by the end of the night they couldn’t stand up...but you guys seem much more dignified than that...”. A women shouts “I love you Eddie!!”. Ed, “Well, I can’t see you but I am sure I love you too. I am going to play another quiet song before the fireworks start.” This is in reference to a riverside boat parade that we have been told might end with fireworks.)
03. Sleeping By Myself
04. Without You
(while Ed is talking to the audience about playing in Florida and this being his first time in Jacksonville fireworks can be heard going off. Ed says, “that is pretty loud for the quiet song I was gonna play.. can you you hand me that loud ukulele?” He talks a bit about the instrument and says, “if they are going to make that noise out there this is my answer..”)
05. Loud Uke
06. Soon Forget (fireworks can still be heard going off outside especially during the “whistling” part)
07. Light Today
08. Brain Damage-(Waters)
09. Sometimes
(Ed tells of reading a Bruce Springsteen interview where for a while Bruce would pick a person in the front row and sing the entire show to them. Looking them in the eye the entire time. Ed says, “I tried it a couple of times but I would look at the person and after minute they would look down. I would keep looking at them, they would look up and I would still be singing to them so they would look back down...and I understand that. I would be weirded out by that too.” Somebody shouts a request for ‘Red Mosquito’. “yeah, that is a good one...I am never gonna play it but it is a good kinda want to have Mike McCready at your back for that.”)
10. Girl From The North Country-(Dylan)
11. I Am Mine
(“I don’t know what to say about this next song...It is based on a true story. It happens to male same sex couples, female same sex couples, male and female couples. It happens a lot. To much. I remember I got to play the song with Pete Townshend. He was listening to a live version. Pete said, ‘I really like the chords and the way the crowd is singing along. I like that the song is so dysfunctional and so many people relate to it.’”)
12. Better Man
13. Far Behind
(Ed, “some of the songs on Into The Wild are really short but that is because the scenes are so short. People say, “It’s a good song but it is so short.” Ed’s reply was “Play it twice.” He said I didn’t want to give Sean (Penn) a 4 minute song for 1:15 scene. He was already doing all the hard work. And is still doing the hard work. Just a little ways away from you in Haiti. He has been there for two years working his flesh to the bone.”
Ed then tells a story about going camping with his family in Florida and having to swim in a lagoon that reeked of sulfur. His Dad threw a rock at what appeared to be a log but when the rock struck it the “log” sank. When they left they realized they were close to another lagoon that had some alligators in it. Ed realized that his father had chucked a rock at an alligator. Ed feels lucky to have survived his first trip to Florida.)
14. Guaranteed
15. Rise
16. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
(Ed talks about the community of fans that meet and hang out with each other on the tours. He says that there are probably people at the show now that are around 20 that were conceived during Pearl Jam’s early tours)
17. Immortality
18. Porch
Encore Break
(Ed compliments the audience. “We are going to be here awhile, I don’t know where I am playing tomorrow but fuck those guys...present company excluded.” A guy in the audience yells, (for perhaps the 15th time) “Welcome to Florida Eddie”. Ed comments that tonights show would make a good bootleg..but everyone would be wondering why that guy yells “welcome to Florida” about every two songs. Ed equates it to a flight attendant welcoming you to Florida. “We arrived at the same time, why are you welcoming me?”)
19. Driftin’
20. Pump Organ
21. Speed Of Sound
22. Let My Love Open The Door-(Townshend)
(Ed dedicates a song to the Merrit (sp) family. Dr. Merrit is the doctor in Hawaii that takes care of the big wave surfers. Another Dr. Matt (?) is Ed’s dealer, music dealer. He gets Ed all sorts of great music.)
23. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
24. Sleepless Nights w/Glen Hansard-(Bryant, Bryant) Busk no mics or PA
(Ed says, “Obviously, I wouldn’t be playing this next song without Glen and after this tour I am really going to miss playing it. Hopefully someday again in the future...)
25. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
(“I am gonna play a Willie Nelson song, at least it is now..”)
26. Just Breathe
27. Unthought Known
28. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young)
Encore Break 2
29. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard-(Peterson)
30. Tomorrow Night-(Traditional)
sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2012
Black Friday no Site Oficial da Banda
Hoje é dia de desconto na maioria das lojas americanas (e algumas brasileiras) e o Pearl Jam não ficou de fora. Confira abaixo alguns dos produtos com descontos excelentes e, caso queira uma desas iguarias, basta clicar em COMPRAR! os descontos vão até 7 de Janeiro.
12/09 TORONTO POSTER - $5.00 - COMPRAR |
PREÇO: $5.00 - COMPRAR |
quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2012
Download: Eddie Vedder em Houston II (Audience)
21 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em Memphis
Cidade: Memphis
Estado: Tennessee
Data: 21.11.2012
Local: Orpheum Theater
Hora: 20:30h (00:30h de Brasília)
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de número 14/22
*O Eddie tocou a música "Speed of Sound", ela raramente aparece em algum set da banda ou solo.
*A música "Pump Organ", ainda em estágio inicial, é tocada pela primeira vez.
*Uma mulher alcoolizada teve que ser tirada pelos seguranças por causar confusão na platéia; um pai com seus filho teve que sair no meio do show devido a essa lamentável pessoa.
01. Brain Damage-(Waters)
02. Trouble-(Yusuf Islam)
03. Can’t Keep
04. Sleeping By Myself
05. Without You
(Ed compliments the Orpheum Theatre as being one of the very best and compliments the people of Memphis for keeping it going.)
06. Light Today
(A women in the audience yells “Shout out to Christopher Hitchens”. Ed says I will drink some Kool-Aid to that, or Campari and Soda, they never tell me what is in this glass...” He goes on to talk a little about Hitchens, who is mentioned in the playbill distributed at Ed’s shows, and what great writer and thinker he was. He dedicates the next song to a young girl named Brogan (sp) because it is a good sing along song)
07. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)
08. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
(Ed comments on how great the audience is singing and suggests that it was because Glen Hansard warmed them. He comments that he knows that Glen is really hung over. Ed says he isn’t hungover but he talked about hang overs and how he managed to avoid the hangover because he kept drinking. He gives the bartenders at Dogbar a shout out [Glen did as well in his set]. The next song was originally written for Ronnie Wood to sing on his last solo album. Ed doesn’t play it much but he is going to give it a try)
09. Speed Of Sound (for Ron Wood)
(Ed introduces the next songs from Into The Wild as songs about getting away but not running away)
10. Far Behind
(Ed explains how he felt when he read reviews of Into The Wild album that said the songs were too short. “The songs were written for the film. The scenes were two minutes long so the song had to be two minutes long.” Director Sean Penn “is a busy guy. He has films to make, Haiti to save and photographers to punch, I didn’t want to give him any extra work.” Ed goes on to talk about how influential and what a great song writer Robert Pollard and Guided By Voices are and how the taught him to write shorter songs. “Guided By Voices are a great band and really should be bigger. Robert is here tonight all the way from Dayton. Thank you Robert.”
11. No Ceiling
12. Setting Forth
13. Guaranteed
(Ed explains that the instrument he is holding is mandolin and not a ukulele. He suggests playing the ukulele if you are starting out because the mandolin is much more difficult. He dedicates the song to his “friends in the audience, they know who they are...I guess it is everyone...”)
14. Rise (after the line “ace in the whole” Ed quietly rhymes “Chelios”, referring to his friend Chris Chelios who is in at the show.
15. Long NIghts w/ Glen Hansard
(Ed explains that the next song is what “Better Man” would be if the woman in it was just a little stronger. It is by a great song writer, Chan Marshall, who goes by the name Cat Power.)
16. Good Woman-(Chan Marshall)
17. Betterman
(Ed compares his little electric ukulele to a small dog that thinks it is a big dog. He says the Gibson electric ukulele was built in the fifties when people first started putting pick ups in guitars, “but you guys know all about that, this is one of the first places they were doing it...”)
18. Loud Uke-(new song, same as previous versions)
19. Lukin (with quiet intro but not “Slow Lukin” chords)
(Ed says he spent one of the happiest days of his life in Memphis. “That was the day they freed the West Memphis Three. It was also the day that gave me hope but that you had to fight hard for it.” He talks about all the people that helped get the men out of jail. He understands that freeing them might be controversial in some places but he compares that to people who used to think the world was flat. He points out Jessie Misskelley, who is in the audience.)
20. Porch
Encore Break 1
(Ed is handed a handmade instrument that has a New Hampshire license plate with the phrase “Live Free Or Die”. Ed tries to play but it is out of tune. He says I will just play “Hey Fahkah” on it....” He plugs in the instrument and strums it a couple of times. “It sounds great! I know what I am doing on my long bus ride tomorrow..” He goes on to talk about song writing and learning to play the next song, which he dedicates to Robert Pollard because “He is the one”)
21. I’m One-(Townshend)
22. Just Breathe (Dedicated to Sarah and her new husband)
23. Immortality
24. Unthought Known
25. Pump Organ-(new song. essentially work in progress. Lyrics are different than last time)
26. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
27. Sleepless Nights-(Bryant, Bryant) [busk-no mics or PA]
(Dedicated to a couple that contributed to Heal EB)
28. Can’t Help Falling In Love w/ Glen Hansard-(Creatore, Peretti, Weiss)
29. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová
30. Arc
Encore Break 2
31. Hard Sun
32. Dream A Little Dream-(Kahn, Schwandt, Andree)
quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2012
Download: Pearl Jam no Music Midtown 22.09.12
Coloco para download mais um show da turnê que a banda fez nos EUA em 2012. O show foi na cidade de Atlanta e foi parte do Music Midtown Festival, realizado no dia 22 de Setembro. Crazy Mary, Wishlist e a abertura com Why Go, algo raro*, foram alguns dos destaques. Bom show!
*Algumas pessoas falaram que isso não é verdade, fui dar uma olhada nas estatísticas:
Vezes em que Why Go abriu um show:
2012: 2 dos 22 shows.
2011: 1 dos 17 shows
2010: nenhuma vez de 26 shows
- Talvez "raro" não seja a palavra certa, mas nos últimos anos ela tem sido usada poucas vezes para abrir o show. Além disso, eles variam por turnê, em 2009 ela foi tocada 8 vezes de 32 shows, uma marca considerável.
Made in America Festival (ainda não disponível pelo 10C)
terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2012
Nova Enquete: Música Preferida do Backspacer
Abraço a todos!
segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012
19 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em Tulsa II
Cidade: Tulsa
Estado: Oklahoma
Data: 19.11.2012
Local: Brady Theater
Hora: 20:30h (00:30h de Brasília)
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de número 13/22
*Quando perguntado pela sua filha mais nova o que significava o verso da música Guaranteed: "don't come closer or I'll have to go...", Eddie imaginou que seria muito complexo explicar o verdadeiro significado, por isso disse a ela que a frase foi dita pelo protagonista do filme a um urso. Depois disso, a filha dele tem medo de se aproximar do camarim do pai por achar que um urso vai aparecer lá.
*"The Kids Are Alright", cover do The Who, foi tocada a pedidos de um fã.
01. Brain Damage-(Waters) {played behind the front curtain}
02. Sometimes {curtain opens to reveal Ed}
03. Can’t Keep (Ed forgets first line and stops playing. He has trouble hearing what people are suggesting and it takes some time for someone in the audience to come up with “I want to shake...”)
04. Sleeping By Myself
05. Without You
(Ed asks to see the audience so the house lights are brought up a bit. Ed talks about the building and its age. He says ukuleles probably were played a fair bit here. This song is from about 15 years after this building was built)
06. More Than You Know-(Rose, Eliscu, Youmans)
07. I Am Mine
08. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)
(Ed swaps acoustic guitars and comments that the one he is holding now was made about five years after the theater was built. He speculates that it might even have been played here. He also notes that he is seeing a lot of parents bringing young children to the shows. Ed apologizes because he knows he is going to use bad language and the parents are going to have to explain to the kids what those words mean. “You know, well that word is how you kids were made...No..not cocksucker....oops, fuck.” Ed then talks about how the next song is more than just a love song but a song about the relationship between parents and children. He dedicates the song to the parents who bring their children to the show.)
09. Just Breathe (Ed knows he has mentioned it before but it was such an honor to have a great songwriter like Willie Nelson cover one of his songs that once he heard it, he couldn’t stop doing it like Willie.)
10. Man Of The Hour
(audience member shouts “4/20/02”. Ed notes that the request is for a song about Layne Staley of “Alice In Chains”. This leads to a brief discussion of drugs and a Bill Hicks reference. Ed moves onto the top of Man of The Hour. As Ed reveals the song is about the difficult relationships between parents and children and how children, no matter how innocent they seem, eventually they are going to rebel. Ed says he is lucky. He hasn’t had to deal with that yet. He talks briefly about Chris McCandless from “Into The Wild”)
11. Far Behind (Ed starts to play and realizes he has the wrong guitar. He gets the right one and starts over)
12. Setting Forth
13. Guaranteed
(Ed notes that he has liked being in Tulsa and was excited for the show but that he has made more mistakes tonight than he has the whole tour. He says he heard the theater was haunted and jokingly suggests that the ghost has possessed him and doesn’t know how to play any of the songs. He also tells a story about trying to explain the meaning of the lyrics of Guaranteed to his very young daughter. The line “don’t come closer or I’ll have to go” was too complex to explain to her so he told her Chris was saying that to the bear in the film. She was cautious when she would visit her dad in the studio because she thought the bear might be at the studio as well.)
14. Rise
15. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
(“I am going to play this for the love of my life. She isn’t here tonight, I hope yours is.”)
16. Picture In A Frame-(Brennan, Waits)
17. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
18. Lukin
19. Porch
Encore Break 1
(Ed looks at a pile of requests that have made it to the stage. He jokes that he will look these over and get them for tomorrow night's show. People laugh and start shouting requests again. Ed says “Okay, the forums are closed.” He talks about his days as a waiter and says he doesn’t take orders any more. Unless they are “from Stone Gossard, then I say, ‘yes sir’....sometimes...” Another person shouts that they are glad Ed is feeling better he talks about his injury in the spring and how he couldn’t play for more than 90 seconds. He then breaks in to the fast strumming he plays in “Millworker” showing that he is back in good form. after that he says the next song was a request he got earlier in the day)
20. Millworker middle section Jam
21. The Kid’s Are Alright-(Townshend)
22. Unthought Known
(Ed invites Glen out to play the next few songs. Ed says the next song is by Jerry Hannan. A great songwriter from Northern California. I am glad he let me sing his song. (for the film Into The Wild) It might be my favorite one on the album.)
23. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
24. Sleepless Nights w/ Glen Hansard-(Bryant, Bryant) busking no mics or PA
(Ed talks about growing up in working class Chicago and Glen in Ireland. He talks about Woody Guthrie and the next song. He asks the audience to sing along)
25. This Land Is Your Land w/ Glen Hansard-(Guthrie)
(Ed says “one of our long time crew members, who has been with us through some of the toughest times including Roskilde couldn’t be here but some of his family are. His name is Pete Beattle and I would like to dedicates the next song to the members of the Wilkins family.”)
26. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
27. Forever Young-(Dylan)
28. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young)
Encore Break 2
(Ed has a young boy come on stage to start the tape machine for “Hard Sun”
29. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard-(Peterson)
30. Dream A Little Dream-(Kahn, Schwandt, Andree)
Resultado da Enquete: Álbum Preferido
A primeira enquete do blog acabou com uma verdadeira lavada: Ten, primeiro álbum do Pearl Jam, recebeu 43 votos (33%), seguido do Yield com 21 votos (16%) e o Vitalogy em terceiro, com 15 votos (11%). Abaixo o resultado completo e uma breve análise minha:
1 - TEN - 43 VOTOS - 33%
2 - YIELD - 21 VOTOS - 16%
3 - VITALOGY - 15 VOTOS (11%)
4 - NO CODE - 12 VOTOS (9%)
5 - ABACATE - 11 VOTOS (8%)
6 - VS. - 10 VOTOS (7%)
8 - BINAURAL - 6 VOTOS (4%)
Confesso não ter ficado surpreso com o primeiro lugar; o Ten é de longe o trabalho mais conhecido do Pearl Jam e possui várias músicas conhecidas, como Even Flow, Alive, Jeremy e Black (sem contar Release e Porch). Considero o Ten o álbum que mais se aproxima do status de grunge que o grupo recebeu no início da carreira (coloco o termo sublinhado pois o Pearl Jam nunca foi grunge na minha opinião), no máximo ele lembra em certos momentos o gênero (músicas como Once e Deep lembram um pouco o estilo).
O que se destaca no Ten é a descoberta do Eddie de que o mundo é um lugar hostil e problemático; desde os conflitos familiares, sem dúvida o pivô de toda essa revolta (Once, Alive, Oceans - no sentido de reinício pós trauma, Porch e Release - a busca por respostas através do pai), até os problemas gerais: amorosos (Black e Garden), drogas (Deep e Why Go) e violência (Even Flow e Jeremy). O que é interessante aqui é a maneira com que o Eddie fala dos seus próprios problemas mesmo descrevendo outras pessoas: a opressão familiar na figura do Jeremy, que tira a própria vida na frente da classe (espaço que representa perfeitamente esse ambiente hostil), a questão das drogas e da possibilidade de escape em músicas como Deep e Why Go (novamente a opressão familiar) e a figura do mendigo em Even Flow, símbolo desse descaso da sociedade com os pessoas (o Eddie se identifica com essa indiferença). Enfim, paralelos são possíveis em quase todos os âmbitos; essa é a beleza do Ten, ele parece ser tão simples com as suas letras revoltadas e ainda imaturas (no sentido de que o Eddie ainda está descobrindo esse mundo de problemas que surgiu de repente diante dele), mas que carregam um lirismo e densidade singular entre os compositores (e que chega ao seu ápice com o Binaural, mais maduro e reflexivo).
Com relação aos outros álbuns, gostei do Yield ter ficado em segundo. Ele é sem dúvida um dos trabalhos mais consistentes e poderosos que o Pearl Jam já fez; o meu álbum predileto juntamente com o Binaural (o meu voto nessa enquete). Vitalogy é incrível e merece estar em terceiro (prestem mais atenção nas letras e na presença vocal do Eddie, é fantástico!), o No Code poderia estar mais na frente tranquilamente e o Abacate foi uma surpresa, não achei que teria 8% dos votos (sem dúvida ele está no meu top 5, é excelente!). Com relação ao Vs. e o Backspacer, imaginei que estariam mais atrás mesmo, principalmente o BS (talvez por ser mais novo e precise amadurecer). O Binaural é o meu álbum preferido, mas dificilmente se sai bem em qualquer enquete (um dia escrevo mais sobre o porque dele ser o que eu mais gosto), e o Riot Act é um álbum excelente e um dos meus preferidos (descobri recentemente toda a sua beleza); para aqueles que não ouvem ele muito, recomendo com toda a certeza, ele é exatamente como deve ser, principalmente pelo contexto político e econômico que os EUA estavam na época.
Bom, é isso, espero que essa breve análise tenha contribuído de alguma forma! Abraço a todos!
domingo, 18 de novembro de 2012
18 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em Tulsa I
Cidade: Tulsa
Estado: Oklahoma
Data: 18.11.2012
Local: Brady Theater
Hora: 20:30h (00:30h de Brasília)
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de número 12/22
*Eddie tocou Education pela primeira vez em um show solo.
*This Land is Your Land, cover do Woodie Guthrie, é tocada pela primeira vez.
*Eddie reclamou do dono da Papa John's, famosa rede de pizzarias americana, por se recusar a pagar seguro de saúde aos seus funcionários mesmo com enormes lucros no seu negócio.
*Eddie reclamou um pouco dos flashes e mandou um membro da platéia colocar a coleira e sentar-se depois que este gritou para o vocalista parar de falar sobre política.
01. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
02. Can’t Keep
03. Sleeping By Myself
04. Without You
(Ed greets the audience. A man and a women shout that they love Eddie. Ed thinks the man sounds more drunk than the woman. A person in the audience makes an odd braying sound. Ed asks if you are allowed to bring in diseased Emu’s into the building. Ed talks about the meaning of the song “Soon Forget” and says it reminds him of a Porno For Pyros song called “Cursed Male”, which he plays a couple of bars from.)
05. Soon Forget
06. Around The Bend
07. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney) (instrumental intro only)
08. Driftin’
09. Wishlist
10. Better Man (Ed forgets the lyrics pretty early on. He laughs and says “This is a new song and I’ve never played it before.” He messes up again but eventually gets back on track. seems to be some new improvisational lyrics during the outro)
11. Millworker-(Taylor) (instrumental middle section jam no lyrics)
12. Far Behind
13. No Ceiling
(Ed introduces the next song by talking about Chris McCandless and his travels. Ed hopes that even if it hadn’t ended tragically that someone would have written a book about him. “this next song is about life, love, hope and the pursuit of happiness.”)
14. Guaranteed
(Ed says, “this is a mandolin..” and audience member screams “Lukin!”. Ed replies, “yeah, I am gonna play Lukin on a mandolin...he strums the chords for it a little bit then plays the main riff from “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath. Ed, “I will play anything you want if you just stop taking pictures. Save it for the end. I don’t want it distracting the rest of the audience.”
15. Rise
16. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
(Ed repeats an audience members shout of “my name is Jeremy.” Ed laughs and says, “I owe you an apology don’t I? in mocking tone “hey Jeremy, you speak in class today? Sorry man....” He goes on to talk about Ken Burn’s documentary on the Dust Bowl this leads to a series of digressions and stories including his part time job working at the club “Bacchanal” and getting to work a Ray Charles show. As Ray passes Ed he says, “That is a fine haircut son” referring to Ed’s mohawk. Ed is stunned and thinks “Ray Charles can see, all this time, he has been playing us.” Ed then sees Ray’s handlers laughing and realizes he has been set up. “It was an honor to get pranked by the great Ray Charles.”)
17. Immortality (dedicated to Ray Charles)
(Ed says this next one is a sing along and starts to strum the chords for “Slow Lukin” an audience member says he wants to come up and sing Hunger Strike. Ed says, “oh, you are gonna sing Chris’s part? I like it when audience members tell jokes.” While Ed has been talking he continued strumming the “Slow” version of Lukin after a few more strums he plays the regular version)
18. Lukin
19. Porch
Encore Break 1
20. Just Breathe
21. Pump Organ (same version as previously. Lyrics rather than wordless singing)
(Ed wonders what to play next. He says, “I just got an interesting request...I have never played this by myself before, when I get to the chorus I may have to stop for a bit...”)
22. Education (on acoustic guitar. plays it pretty well. Little hesitations on the bridge section)
(Ed describes the next song as being sort of like Better Man but from the man’s perspective. “Maybe every terrible, awful, tragic story has two sides.”)
23. Fourth Of July-(Dave Alvin)
24. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
25. Sleepless Nights w/ Glen-(Bryant, Bryant) [busking no mics or PA)
26. Can’t Help Falling In Love w/ Glen-(Creatore, Peretti, Weiss) {Dedicated to newlywed Eric and his wife}
27. This Land Is Your Land-(Woodie Guthrie) {Glen plays ukulele and vocals, Ed vocals-They rehearsed it just a few minutes before Ed went on stage. Dedicated to Woody Guthrie}
(Ed talks about the owner of Papa’ John’s not wanting to give his employees health care. Despite posting huge profits he claims that health care will cost him too much. A belligerent audience member shouts at Ed to stop talking about politics and just sing his songs. Ed tells the guy to put his leash back on and settle down. Maybe smoke some pot, which is legal in Seattle. Ed, “I can’t wait to get back home.”
Ed says the next song is beautiful and that there is someone special in the audience he wants to play it for. “This is for Michelle, Thanks for letting us take Jesse out with us. We need him. This is a beautiful song and I can say that because I didn’t write it”)
28. Falling Slowly w/ Glen-(Hansard, Irgloá)-Dedicated to Michelle
29. Loud Uke-(generally the same as previous versions)
30. I Won’t Back Down-(Lynne, Petty) {crowd sings outro chorus. Ed says “it sounds like church”}
31. So You Want To Be A Rock And Roll Star-(Hillman, McGuinn) Dedicated to Wayne Coyne of “The Flaming Lips” an Oklahoma native
32. The End
Encore Break 2
(Ed invites a girl onstage to start the tape machine for Hard Sun)
33. Hard Sun w/ Glen and audience members-(Peterson)
sábado, 17 de novembro de 2012
Download: Eddie Vedder em Austin II (Audience)
Coloco aqui mais um download da turnê solo do Eddie. O show foi na cidade de Austin, no Texas, dia 11 de Novembro, e contou com músicas como "Wishlist", "Better Man" e "Masters of War", cover do Bob Dylan. Bom proveito!
Vídeo: Entrevista do Soundgarden na Rádio KDGE
A rádio KDGE colocou o vídeo da entrevista que fez com o Soundgarden. Como esse blog é para amantes do Pearl Jam, já vou antecipando que o Matt, quando perguntado sobre o novo álbum, disse que está todo mundo muito ocupado, mas que eles planejam voltar ao estúdio em Março para terminar a gravação (a turnê do Soundgarden termina em meados de Fevereiro). Abaixo, o vídeo da entrevista completa:
quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2012
Nova Seção de Downloads no Blog
Queridos Jammers, apenas para avisar: adicionei a seção DOWNLOADS no menu ao lado direito dos posts. Por enquanto está disponível apenas a turnê de 2012, mas aos poucos vou colocando as outras!
***TOUR 2011 E 2010 JÁ DISPONÍVEIS!***
Abraço a todos e bom feriado!
16 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em San Antonio
Cidade: San Antonio
Estado: Texas
Data: 16.11.2012
Local: Lilla Cockrell Theater
Hora: 21:00h (01:00h de Brasília)
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de número 11/22
01. Can’t Keep
02. Sleeping By Myself
03. Without You
04. Goodbye
(while playing, “One more sad one. Get the depressing stuff out of the way early.” Halfway through the song Ed gets lost and stops playing. “Sometimes when you get emotionally involved is when you fuck up. Where are Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Jeff Ament and Matt Cameron when you need ‘em?”)
(Ed mentions the terrible traffic going from Dallas to San Antonio. He was concerned that he was going to have an “Axl Rose” moment and not make it until 10:30. He talks about seeing police lights and thinking of Snoop Dog, Willie Nelson and Fiona Apple getting pulled over. “It is too bad they didn’t all get pulled over at the same time. That would have been quite the collaboration.” He says there is no pot on his bus. He is waiting until he gets back to Seattle where pot is legal. He jokes about rolling a huge joint and walking his dog. He plans on getting saddle bags for the dog so he can share with anyone he meets. He also thanks the audience for making it to the show even though it had to be rescheduled.)
05. You're True
(Ed tells a story about going to his guitar teacher when he was about 16 and meeting Danny Kortchmar. Ed, his teacher and Danny played some Jackson Browne songs and some old blues songs. Danny produced a cigarette case with ten perfectly rolled joints. When the joint was passed to Ed he realized that he needed to work as hard as he could to become a professional musician. Not because he wanted to be a great guitar player but because Danny had the best weed Ed ever had.)
06. I Am Mine
07. Sunset Drive (NEW SONG inspired by his bus ride into San Antonio and the beautiful Texas sunset. He says that a text from Glen, in a car behind his bus, inspired the chorus. ‘San Antone’ (sic) and the show he is going to play are referenced several times)
08. Dead Man
09. Wishlist
(Ed says “this next song was a request.” which causes the audience to start shouting songs at at him. He says, “No, this WAS a request, not ‘I am taking requests or annoy the guy on stage by shouting songs. It was a request by someone I met yesterday.” At this point a woman screams incoherently. Ed asks if she is okay, “can someone get her a Xanax?”
Ed talks about how having children has changed the way he writes songs. He wants to spend as much time with his girls as he can so he finds that he writes songs more quickly. The next song he wrote when his wife and daughters went out to lunch for an hour. He finished in 51 minutes and spent the next nine wondering when they were going to come back because he missed them.)
10. Gone
(Ed notes he has written a number of songs about “getting outta there. Just going.” That carry’s over into writing songs for “Into The Wild”)
11. Far Behind
12. Guaranteed
(Ed praises the sound in the room and mixer Kevin McKenzie. “The guy that has been doing Front Of House for a long time, Greg Nelson, is at home. Greg is home because he and his wife just had their first child, Lucy Pearl.” He continues “So Nelly, I will see you in Tulsa in two days? I am kidding! What am I? Papa John’s here? Let’s dedicate this one to Lucy Pearl.”)
13. Rise-(Dedicated to Lucy Pearl Nelson. The daughter of friend and Front Of House Engineer Greg “Nelly” Nelson)
14. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard
(After a long string of raucous, guttural screaming of “Eddie” over and over Ed asks if there are any cowboys out there that can rope whatever is making that noise?”)
15. Her Majesty-(Lennon, McCartney)
16. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)
17. Man Of The Hour
18. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
19. Lukin
20. Porch
Encore Break 1
(“We lucked out, we picked the right place to end our tour through Texas. I spoke to Jeff Ament today who is out with RNDM. We are passing each other like two satellites. It sure is great to be in a band with your best friends. It’s good to be back in San Antonio. We have been away for nine years which is eight too many.” Ed says he wants to dedicate the next song to someone who has been a big supporter, Mr. Brent Barry. Brent has some guests that are recently married. Brent switched seats with them so they could be up front. Ed dedicates the next song to the newlyweds.
21. Just Breathe
22. Pump Organ (so far unnamed song that he occasionally plays live with the working title ‘pump organ’. This version has lyrics rather than wordless singing. melody and arrangement get fine tuned every time it is played)
22. I’m One-(Townshend)
(Ed talks about seeing bad behavior in people in general and parents and how that gives you an example of how not to behave. He relates a story about seeing a woman at left turn light just shouting and screaming. He is so happy he “isn’t that person. To be that worked up over being held up at light is so insignificant. It applies to this next song which is about a traffic accident. Don’t be in such a rush, we all get there eventually, and by that I mean death. Don’t rush towards it.”)
23. Last Kiss-(Cochran)
24. Unthought Known
25. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
26. Sleepless Nights w/ Glen Hansard-(Bryant, Bryant) (busking style-no mics or PA)
27. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
28. Parting Ways
Encore Break 2
(Ed invites an active duty soldier named David who is going to Afghanistan soon up on stage to perform Hard Sun with him and Glen)
29. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard and David-(Peterson)
30. Dream A Little Dream-(Khan, Schwandt, Andree)
15 de Novembro: Eddie Vedder em Dallas
Cidade: Dallas
Estado: Texas
Data: 15.11.2012
Local: Music Hall at Fair Park
Hora: 21:00h (01:00h de Brasília)
Abertura: Glen Hansard
Show de número 10/22
01. Walking The Cow-(Daniel Johnston)
02. Brain Damage-(Waters)
03. Sometimes
04. Can’t Keep
05. Sleeping By Myself
06. Without You
(earlier in the show someone yelled “Dallas sucks”. Ed asks why they are starting off so negative. Presumedly the audience shouts “We love you Eddie but Dallas sucks”. Ed says he has no reason to think that is true, yet. He talks about playing Dallas several times in the early days. “We haven’t played here in ten years or so. I don’t know why, blame management I guess...they get 10% of the blame they get 10% of everything else.” He talks about how much fun they had playing Dallas in the earlier days and ask “why do you have to be so negative you Dallas hating motherfucker? I am sorry, I should say cocksucker. So what did your mother do?...No, no, I am gonna stop right there....” Ed starts to list some of the great people from Dallas, mostly sports figures. He also mentions Andy Wood of the band Mother Love Bone and dedicates the next song to him.)
07. Needle & The Damage Done-(Young) Dedicated To Andy Wood
(Ed calls the next song an appetizer for the song after it. But it “imparts a lot of wisdom. It is by Cat Stevens but I call him Yusuf)
08. Don’t Be Shy-(Yusuf Islam)
09. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town {Ed messes up/forgets lyrics part way through but gets back on track}
10. Far Behind
11. No Ceiling
12. Setting Forth
(Ed talks about the campfire on stage also making it warmer. He talks about smoking pot around the campfire. Someone in the audience shouts a request for “Oceans”. Ed says, “See what happens when people drink? They get loud and shout stuff. Get that guy a joint. You know for you people shouting song titles I don’t even listen to that until maybe the end of the show. I know what I am doing, guaranteed.”
13. Guaranteed
(Ed notes the building was built in 1925 and that it looks great. He says you probably can’t see it from the back but this is a mandolin. “The ukulele”, he says, “is a cheap date, the mandolin is an aristocratic bitch.”
“ This next song isn’t about yeast, It isn’t about Jesus, It isn’t about the relationship about yeast and Jesus or erections..” At this point a woman who has been screaming and whooping through the entire discussion/show whoops even louder. Ed says, “she must really love erections”. She whoops and agrees. Ed “who doesn’t love erections? She must have been really excited last week she thought it was erection day. She probably went into the booth and closed the curtains and ended up being disappointed.”)
14. Rise
(Ed ask Glen to come out. The same woman continues whooping and yelling. She shouts to Glen “I love your hat” . Ed says to Glen, “I should get off the subject but I think she likes it because it looks like an erection.” More screaming ensues. Finally Ed says “okay, I hear are gonna have to settle down, I haven’t seen you yet and I am sure we could be friends. I can even take the high pitched yelling but I am afraid the two people behind you are going to murder you so please settle down, let’s start this relationship over.”)
15. Long NIghts w/ Glen Hansard
16. Driftin’
(more continuous shouts of “I love you Eddie”. Ed says, “whatta you want to hear? A sad song or a sad song?” general request shouting. Ed, “I could play them both. I am just going to San Antonio next so...I will just play this one.”)
17. Betterman
18. Immortality
(“alright, here is another quiet, singalong type...I am a lying motherfucker...)
19. Lukin
20. Porch
Encore Break 1
(Ed tells the crowd he doesn’t know what he is going to play. He asks the crowd what he should play. The audience shouts a bunch of stuff. Ed tells them they should have a representative. Ed singles out a person and says, “Just this guy..let’s see the sign. Pass the signs up, I can’t see them. He wants a Ramones song. That would be great if they were with me. He starts strumming “I Believe In Miracles” and talks about getting to know Johnny Ramone and bonding over baseball. He also talks about Johnny’s encyclopedic knowledge of music, especially early rock and roll. He lists some of the artists that Johnny introduced him to. He says that on the day Johnny died he gave Ed a game. Sort of a trivial pursuit about baseball, “...Johnny knew all the answers.” then he starts really playing the song.)
21. I Believe In Miracles-(Ramones, Ray)
(Ed picks up his electric guitar but it is out of tune. He asks for a new guitar. Some punter yells “can’t you tune your guitar?” Jokingly Ed yells “Fuck You” to the guy. His tech George yells “Yeah!” at the guy. Ed goes on, “This is going to make me sound like a jerk but I can afford to have a guy tune my guitar for me. I love tuning guitars but there is nothing more boring during a show than listening to a guy tune.”)
22. I Am A Patriot-(Van Zandt)
(“I could play you a Willie Nelson song except I don’t know how to play any of Willie’s songs. He plays one of mine though.”)
23. Just Breathe
(Ed talks about listening to the Willie version so much it is hard to play his own. He is just so happy that Willie covered his song. He shows the audience his Willie playing “Just Breathe” impersonation)
24. Unthought Known
(Ed’s friend, voice of The Cubs, Keith Moreland is at the show and brought a friend or family member that Ed wants to join him to sing a song he can’t play with Glen because “people might get the wrong idea. I am fine with that. Glen is a fine singer. Glen is fine. but I am worried what my wife and his girlfriend will think. Glen’s girlfriend is named Heddy. If I had met her first she might have been Heddy Vedder...)
25. Tonight, You Belong To Me w/ Courtney Ateyeh
26. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
27. Sleepless Nights w/ Glen-(Bryant, Bryant) [Busking style-no mics or PA]
(Ed compliments Courtney on being brave enough to come on stage and sing and doing a great job.)
28. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
29. Crazy Mary-(Williams)
30. The End
31. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young) {Ed’s guitar cable unseats partially causing the instrument to crackle and break up briefly}
Encore Break 2
32. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard & Courtney Ateyeh
Análise - Ten: Alive
Coloco aqui no blog mais uma análise do Ten com a famosa "Alive", motivo de muita discussão entre os fãs na banda com relação à temática de (possível) incesto na sua letra. O texto é do membro Stip, do site The Sky I Scrape, e foi traduzido por mim. Boa leitura!
- Alive –
“Alive” e
“Release” são as músicas mais críticas do álbum por serem justamente aquelas que
oferecem a esperança de redenção, embora nos dois casos seja um esperança
obscura – uma dica de que as coisas podem ser melhores por não conseguirem
piorar mais. Não é coincidência o fato das duas músicas tratarem do mesmo
acontecimento: umas das formas mais intimidantes de traição possível. Enquanto
“Why Go” também é sobre um conflito
entre pais e filhos, ela torna-se mais fácil de entender graças à raiva, há um
rompimento no fato. Em “Alive” não há rompimento, e por isso não há
possibilidade de recomeçar. A necessidade de procurar um novo lugar sempre foi
um tema muito importante nas letras do Eddie (entrar em um carro e dirigir para
longe, subir em uma árvore, procurar por água. Em todos esses casos não há como
haver cura enquanto o sujeito encontra-se perto daquilo que o machuca). Em
“Alive”, tudo aquilo que o cantor achava que era certo para a sua vida era uma
grande mentira, e as pessoas à sua volta envolvidas nessa mentira queriam que
ele seguisse nessa situação como se tudo estivesse bem – as palavras já foram
ditas, bastava agora engolir tudo e seguir em frente, mesmo que dessa forma
tudo continue preso no mesmo espaço ferido e envenenado.
Mas eu estou me distanciando um
pouco do tema. Fazendo o papel de juiz, eu gostaria de dizer que “Alive” é apenas
superficialmente sobre o incesto, e não faz isso da melhor maneira. A música
tem sucesso apesar dessa estória, e não por causa dela. Pessoalmente, eu
acredito que o Eddie escreveu essa história sobre ele e depois acrescentou essa
parte do incesto para criar uma distância entre ele e ela – para torna-la menos
intimidante e reveladora; mesmo que ele tivesse essa estória em mente quando
escrevia ela era apenas secundária.
O riff de abertura de “Once” é
sujo e distraído – é feito para se adequar à loucura presente no cérebro do
vocalista, à inabilidade de se focar em algo. “Alive” é exatamente o oposto.
Ela é pura, clara e provocadora. É a confirmação de um propósito de
solidariedade e força (e é provavelmente o meu riff preferido). A entrega
musical e vocal (essa música é uma das obras primas do Eddie em termos vocais –
em cada verso é entregue a entonação certa – sua confusão, a desconfiança da
sua mãe filtrada através do seu próprio choque e raiva, a força e as
possibilidades que o refrão contém) juntas são os pontos vitais da música; é o
que dá esperança à canção. A letra é sombria e sem vida, e oferece pouco em
termos de salvação; a redenção reside no riff principal. A claridade oferecida
pela melodia e a força contida na voz do Eddie oferecem uma crucial
justaposição na história que está sendo contada. Nós não sabemos se a partir da
história sendo contada o cantor vai sair bem dessa, (na verdade, temos motivos
para acreditar no contrário) mas a melodia e força da voz nos dizem o
Eu adoro o jeito casual e
despretensioso que a música começa: “Son, have I got a little story for you”. E
com essa pequena história a mãe destrói a base do universo do cantor – o fato
de isso acontecer exatamente quando ele está no início da sua adolescência é um
agravante, ele está em um momento em que nós construímos a nossa identidade e
que nada na vida é sólido. Nessas alturas, a confiança que ele tinha pela sua
família, sua única segurança, é tirada dele. Ao seguir em frente, mesmo tendo
descoberto que foi adotado, ele sabe também que uma das pessoas que criaram ele
desapareceu para sempre. Mas, enquanto a sua mãe continua contando a história,
problemas acontecem. “Tente não se preocupar”, falando dessa forma a mãe
sente-se aliviada. É como terminar uma conversa com seu filho sobre sexo; é
mais para benefício próprio do que o do filho, algo para poder riscar das lista
de obrigações do pai.
A segunda estrofe é um pouco
problemática uma vez que eu não acredito muito na história de incesto. Eu imagino essa parte como a mãe cruzando o
quarto na direção do filho para confortá-lo, já que ele permanece abalado pela
revelação dela. Isso não é o bastante; algumas palavras de conforto não
conseguem fazer isso sumir. Sim, ele está vivo, a vida continua, mas em algum
sentido tudo parece ser uma grande mentira. Sua vida precisa ser reconstruída e
ele não sabe como fazer isso ou quem procurar para ter respostas (esse alguém
das respostas é especialmente importante considerando a maneira com que o álbum
termina, com o Eddie no escuro, conversando com o seu falecido pai, esperando
por respostas que nunca virão – pelo menos não do seu pai).
E é isso que acontece ao termos
essa insistência no refrão. Tudo é uma mentira, mas pelo menos ele ainda está
vivo. Ele nunca sugere o que fazer
quanto a isso (ele raramente fez isso nos primeiros álbuns – se “Indifference”
fosse escrita hoje ele falaria de fazer a diferença ao invés de deixar isso
para o ouvinte). Ele pode estar vivo, mas não tem nada. Ele pode estar vivo, paralisado, preso e sem
saber para onde ir agora (“Once” aponta para outra possibilidade). Mas fica
claro, tanto pelo instrumental quanto pela força da sua voz, que ele está vivo
e pronto para desafios e que isso será algo que ele sairá por cima. Ele está
vivo, e pronto para começar novamente.
E junto com esse aviso entra o
solo do Mike que, para mim, é um dos solos mais admiráveis e emocionantes de
todos os tempos e indiscutivelmente uma das partes mais poderosas que já ouvi.
Através desse solo, Mike liberta toda a raiva, frustração, trepidação e medo
que o cantor sente, e é através dele que ele acha a força necessária para
continuar. Ele transmite tanto sem ter uma palavra dita, tendo como pano de
fundo a voz do Eddie murmurando (algo que eu gostaria que ele voltasse a
fazer). Ele nos faz lembrar que está vivo, e que vai ficar bem.
“Alive” é uma música
extremamente pessoal e talvez aquela que alguns poucos tem algum tipo de
relação. Mas não é preciso se relacionar de uma maneira direta; “Alive” é para
qualquer um que tenha sido violado (emocionalmente ou fisicamente) por alguém
próximo. Nos faz lembrar que nós podemos e vamos sobreviver ao fato, e que,
desde que estejamos vivos, vamos sobreviver para o amor e a confiança
Crédito: Stip, do fórum The Sky I Scrape
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