domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

24 de Novembro: Pearl Jam em Los Angeles II

Data: 24/11/2013
Cidade: Los Angeles, California
País: Estados Unidos
Local: Sports Arena
Hora: 20:30 (02:30 de Brasília)
Show de número 19/25
Não há banda de abertura

*Raridades: Oceans, Present Tense, Immortality, No Way, Mother, Breath, Love Reign Oer Me

*Depois que o violão do Eddie não funcionou direito durante a "Sirens", o Eddie jogou ele no chão, mesmo com roadie dele do lado. Estranho...

*Eddie comenta que soube através da "box office" (luga de retirada dos ingressos) que nunca tanta gente mostrou o passaporte para retirar as entradas, mostrando que tem muita gente de fora dos Estados Unidos assistindo o show. Ele dá um exemplo ao ver bandeiras e placas adivinha de que país? BRASIL!
PS. Imagino que tenha sido o pessoal que foi ver vários shows da segunda leg: Júnior Rissi, Gisele Droppa, e companhia.. Certo??


01. Oceans
02. Low Light
03. Present Tense
04. Interstellar Overdrive-(Barrett, Mason, Waters, Wright)
05. Corduroy
06. Lightning Bolt-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
07. Amongst The Waves
(This is for anyone who had a father in prison)
08. My Father’s Son-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
(That was just a light children’s story...This next one is a fairy tale)
09. Given To Fly
10. Swallowed Whole-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
11. Immortality
12. Infallible-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
(this one is specifically for anyone from (starts listing smaller cities in Southern California))
13. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
(this one is for all the amazing couples out there. There are many here tonight that are friends of ours. This is for them and especially Judd and Leslie (sp))
14. Future Days-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
15. Even Flow
(Hey everyone, there was a guy that got taken out. He was having some kind of emergency and it took me out of the game for a bit but the guy is okay..It’s just that we have a history. But the guy is okay and I’m back)
16. Do The Evolution
17. Mind Your Manners-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
18. Sirens-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”
(Ed says he is officially going to start drinking now. Up until this point it has just been child’s play. He goes on to say that they had been talking to the box office and they say they have never seen so many passports used as ID. He acknowledges the flags and signs from Brazil and other countries. He also mentions their new friend Rob from the Philippines. “This one is about continuing to give a damn.”)
19. No Way
20. Blood

Encore Break

(Ed thanks the band that helped them get started. He also compliments Matt Cameron by saying that the bands Matt is in are so great because Matt is in them. He says this song comes from before I ever met these guys.)

21. Better Man/Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling)
22. Daughter/Another Brick In The Wall Part 2-(Waters)

(about ten years we were going through that Roskilde thing, well we are still going through it because you never get over it. That first year was so difficult.... and I got to spend some time in New York with the great Lou Reed and I want to play one of his songs. You know things happen in your life, you have kids and..well I just really miss him. This would all make sense after a bottle of wine)

23. After Hours-(Loud Reed) (originally on “The Velvet Underground” sung by Maureen Tucker) Ed plays on electric guitar
24. Sleeping By Myself-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
25. Mother-(Waters)
26. Breath
27. Go
28. Porch

Encore Break 2

(When does a Pearl Jam concert end? When they kick us out. How many songs until a Pearl Jam concert is over? The world may never know. Not to be rude but not to be rude. We are gonna play one for the back. These are the size of the crowds we started out with)
29. Last Kiss-(Cochran)
30. Unthought Known
31. Love, Reign O’re Me-(Townshend)
32. Alive
33. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young)



6 comentários:

  1. Boatos de que o Vedder estava meio nervoso durante o show. Confere?

    1. Da pra notar que ele anda meio nervoso já pela caligrafia nos ultimos setlists. Ta uma escrita mais apressada e rasurada. Dando uma de Sherlock.hehe

    2. Mas pelo que entendi um desses últimos setlists foi escrito pelo Stone. Dai a letra diferente.

    3. Sim, mas não foi só um? Já teve vários outros com letra mais "nervosa" digamos assim...

      E aquele set do Stone foi mto bom. Seria legal se eles revezassem de vez em qdo. Queria ver o setlist dos outros integrantes tb.

    4. |Acho que os últimos foi o Stone que escreveu...

  2. Tá explicado então porque o Eddie expulsou aquela guria da platéia... Com certeza ela não era americana (agora de que país ela era, daí eu não sei). Devia estar muito doida, enchendo o saco da galera ao redor... E todo mundo sabe, em termos gerais, de como se comporta o público americano durante os shows.
