Certamente, escolher uma música do Pearl Jam como a preferida ou fazer uma lista com as melhores músicas da banda é uma tarefa não só dificil como impossível. Isto por que listas e classificações exigem comparações e convenhamos que é muito dificil comparar todas as músicas do Pearl Jam entre si, afinal de contas são 10 discos de estúdio, além dos b-sides. Pois bem. Os problemas para quem quer fazer uma lista acabaram (em parte!). Alguns membros do fórum oficial do Pearl Jam criaram o 'Pearl Jam Song Ranker'. O método é simples: como mostrado na imagem acima, as músicas são analisadas par a par por quem responde à enquete. O resultado de cada resposta é levado em conta na análise, assim não é necessário analisar as centenas de musicas par a par, mas sim até obter um número X de respostas suficientes para que automaticamente seja feita a contagem e listagem das suas músicas preferidas. É possível fazer tanto album por album quanto para todas as músicas do Pearl Jam.
Para quem se interessar, recomendo fazer primeiramente para cada album por ser mais rápido. A análise para todas as músicas leva um certo tempo e não tem como salvar o que já foi votado.
Fizemos a nossa votação e postamos aqui. Convidamos a todos que acompanham o blog a fazer suas votações e compartilhar com a gente os 30 primeiros resultados através dos comentários ou pelo email do blog. Certamente, o resultado pode ser surpreendente.
Para fazer seu rank, basta clicar aqui: Pearl Jam Song Ranker
Rank Luiz:
1-Present Tense (No Code, 1996)
2-Inside Job (Pearl Jam, 2006)
3-Off He Goes (No Code, 1996)
4-Nothing As It Seems (Binaural, 2000)
5-In My Tree (No Code, 1996)
6-Light Years (Binaural, 2000)
7-Animal (Vs., 1993)
8-Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
9-Footsteps (Lost Dogs, 2003)
10-Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town (Vs., 1993)
11-Getaway (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
12-Alive (Ten, 1991)
13-Crown Of Thorns (Pearl Jam Twenty, 2011)
14-Immortality (Vitalogy, 1994)
15-Other Side (Lost Dogs, 2003)
16-Come Back (Pearl Jam, 2006)
17-Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
18-Faithfull (Yield, 1998)
19-Tremor Christ (Vitalogy, 1994)
20-Release (Ten, 1991)
21-All Night (Lost Dogs, 2003)
22-Not For You (Vitalogy, 1994)
23-Brother (Lost Dogs, 2003)
24-Sleight Of Hand (Binaural, 2000)
25-Sad (Lost Dogs, 2003)
26-Daughter (Vs., 1993)
27-Breath (Singles (Soundtrack), 1992)
28-Garden (Ten, 1991)
29-Hold On (Lost Dogs, 2003)
30-Blood (Vs., 1993)
Rank João
1. Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
2. Light Years (Binaural, 2000)
3. Rearviewmirror (Vs., 1993)
4. Low Light (Yield, 1998)
5. In My Tree (No Code, 1996)
6. Parting Ways (Binaural, 2000)
7. Nothingman (Vitalogy, 1994)
8. Present Tense (No Code, 1996)
9. Wishlist (Yield, 1998)
10. Off He Goes (No Code, 1996)
11. Insignificance (Binaural, 2000)
12. Immortality (Vitalogy, 1994)
13. Jeremy (Ten, 1991)
14. Sleight Of Hand (Binaural, 2000)
15. Indifference (Vs., 1993)
16. Nothing As It Seems (Binaural, 2000)
17. Dead Man (Lost Dogs, 2003)
18. In Hiding (Yield, 1998)
19. Severed Hand (Pearl Jam, 2006)
20. Otherside (Lost Dogs, 2003)
21. Breakerfall (Binaural, 2000)
22. Inside Job (Pearl Jam, 2006)
23. You Are (Riot Act, 2003)
24. Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
25. Oceans (Ten, 1991)
26. Lightning Bolt (Lightning Bolt, 2013)2-Inside Job (Pearl Jam, 2006)
3-Off He Goes (No Code, 1996)
4-Nothing As It Seems (Binaural, 2000)
5-In My Tree (No Code, 1996)
6-Light Years (Binaural, 2000)
7-Animal (Vs., 1993)
8-Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
9-Footsteps (Lost Dogs, 2003)
10-Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town (Vs., 1993)
11-Getaway (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
12-Alive (Ten, 1991)
13-Crown Of Thorns (Pearl Jam Twenty, 2011)
14-Immortality (Vitalogy, 1994)
15-Other Side (Lost Dogs, 2003)
16-Come Back (Pearl Jam, 2006)
17-Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
18-Faithfull (Yield, 1998)
19-Tremor Christ (Vitalogy, 1994)
20-Release (Ten, 1991)
21-All Night (Lost Dogs, 2003)
22-Not For You (Vitalogy, 1994)
23-Brother (Lost Dogs, 2003)
24-Sleight Of Hand (Binaural, 2000)
25-Sad (Lost Dogs, 2003)
26-Daughter (Vs., 1993)
27-Breath (Singles (Soundtrack), 1992)
28-Garden (Ten, 1991)
29-Hold On (Lost Dogs, 2003)
30-Blood (Vs., 1993)
Rank João
1. Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
2. Light Years (Binaural, 2000)
3. Rearviewmirror (Vs., 1993)
4. Low Light (Yield, 1998)
5. In My Tree (No Code, 1996)
6. Parting Ways (Binaural, 2000)
7. Nothingman (Vitalogy, 1994)
8. Present Tense (No Code, 1996)
9. Wishlist (Yield, 1998)
10. Off He Goes (No Code, 1996)
11. Insignificance (Binaural, 2000)
12. Immortality (Vitalogy, 1994)
13. Jeremy (Ten, 1991)
14. Sleight Of Hand (Binaural, 2000)
15. Indifference (Vs., 1993)
16. Nothing As It Seems (Binaural, 2000)
17. Dead Man (Lost Dogs, 2003)
18. In Hiding (Yield, 1998)
19. Severed Hand (Pearl Jam, 2006)
20. Otherside (Lost Dogs, 2003)
21. Breakerfall (Binaural, 2000)
22. Inside Job (Pearl Jam, 2006)
23. You Are (Riot Act, 2003)
24. Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
25. Oceans (Ten, 1991)
27. Long Road (Merkin Ball, 1996)
28. Do The Evolution (Yield, 1998)
29. Blood (Vs., 1993)
30. Thin Air (Binaural, 2000)
Seguem as minhas 30:
ResponderExcluir1. Black (Ten, 1991)
2. In Hiding (Yield, 1998)
3. Yellow Ledbetter (Lost Dogs, 2003)
4. Hard To Imagine (Lost Dogs, 2003)
5. Footsteps (Lost Dogs, 2003)
6. Release (Ten, 1991)
7. Present Tense (No Code, 1996)
8. Hold On (Lost Dogs, 2003)
9. Low Light (Yield, 1998)
10. Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
11. Sometimes (No Code, 1996)
12. Sad (Lost Dogs, 2003)
13. Inside Job (Pearl Jam, 2006)
14. Fatal (Lost Dogs, 2003)
15. Infallible (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
16. Pendulum (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
17. Rival (Binaural, 2000)
18. Other Side (Lost Dogs, 2003)
19. Wishlist (Yield, 1998)
20. Once (Ten, 1991)
21. All Those Yesterdays (Yield, 1998)
22. Faithfull (Yield, 1998)
23. Oceans (Ten, 1991)
24. Parting Ways (Binaural, 2000)
25. Let Me Sleep (Lost Dogs, 2003)
26. Down (Lost Dogs, 2003)
27. Long Road (Merkin Ball, 1996)
28. Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
29. Deep (Ten, 1991)
30. Who You Are (No Code, 1996)
1 Off He Goes (No Code, 1996)
ResponderExcluir2 Pendulum (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
3 In Hiding (Yield, 1998)
4 Hail Hail (No Code, 1996)
5 Indifference (Vs., 1993)
6 Wishlist (Yield, 1998)
7 Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
8 You Are (Riot Act, 2003)
9Insignificance (Binaural, 2000)
10 All Those Yesterdays (Yield, 1998)
11 Habit (No Code, 1996)
12 Even Flow (Ten, 1991)
13 In My Tree (No Code, 1996)
14 Dissident (Vs., 1993)
15 Getaway (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
16 All Or None (Riot Act, 2003)
17 Just Breathe (Backspacer, 2009)
18 Sometimes (No Code, 1996)
19 Alive (Ten, 1991)
20 Amongst The Waves (Backspacer, 2009)
21 Deep (Ten, 1991)
22 Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
23 Unthought Known (Backspacer, 2009)
24 Faithfull (Yield, 1998)
25 Green Disease (Riot Act, 2003)
26 Sirens (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
27 Do The Evolution (Yield, 1998)
28 Parachutes (Pearl Jam, 2006)
29 Low Light (Yield, 1998)
30 Immortality (Vitalogy, 1994)
O teste mais difìcil que já fiz em minha vida.
ExcluirFaithfull (Yield, 1998)
Do The Evolution (Yield, 1998)
Even Flow (Ten, 1991)
Go (Vs., 1993)
Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
Brain Of J. (Yield, 1998)
Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
Alive (Ten, 1991)
Rats (Vs., 1993)
Yellow Ledbetter (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Getaway (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
Breath (Singles (Soundtrack), 1992)
Footsteps (Lost Dogs, 2003)
State Of Love And Trust (Singles (Soundtrack), 1992)
Black (Ten, 1991)
Unthought Known (Backspacer, 2009)
In Hiding (Yield, 1998)
Red Mosquito (No Code, 1996)
Satans Bed (Vitalogy, 1994)
Daughter (Vs., 1993)
Grievance (Binaural, 2000)
Save You (Riot Act, 2003)
Porch (Ten, 1991)
MFC (Yield, 1998)
Jeremy (Ten, 1991)
Lightning Bolt (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
Better Man (Vitalogy, 1994)
Last Exit (Vitalogy, 1994)
Down (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Oceans (Ten, 1991)
Como escreveu o Eduardo: muito dificil.
ResponderExcluirMas segue o meu resultado.
I Am Mine (Riot Act, 2003)
Wishlist (Yield, 1998)
Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
Even Flow (Ten, 1991)
Faithfull (Yield, 1998)
Alive (Ten, 1991)
Better Man (Vitalogy, 1994)
Footsteps (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Love Boat Captain (Riot Act, 2003)
Thumbing My Way (Riot Act, 2003)
Yellow Ledbetter (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Nothing As It Seems (Binaural, 2000)
Jeremy (Ten, 1991)
Daughter (Vs., 1993)
In Hiding (Yield, 1998)
Unthought Known (Backspacer, 2009)
Cant Keep (Riot Act, 2003)
Come Back (Pearl Jam, 2006)
Do The Evolution (Yield, 1998)
Wasted Reprise (Pearl Jam, 2006)
Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
Save You (Riot Act, 2003)
Down (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Got Some (Backspacer, 2009)
Black (Ten, 1991)
Mind Your Manners (Lightning Bolt, 2013)
The Fixer (Backspacer, 2009)
Light Years (Binaural, 2000)
Blood (Vs., 1993)
Rearviewmirror (Vs., 1993)
Daria um belo show ! Otimo set !
Só não concordei com a posição 30:
ResponderExcluir1. In Hiding (Yield, 1998)
2. Nothingman (Vitalogy, 1994)
3. Present Tense (No Code, 1996)
4. Black (Ten, 1991)
5. Do The Evolution (Yield, 1998)
6. Long Road (Merkin Ball, 1996)
7. Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
8. State Of Love And Trust (Singles (Soundtrack), 1992)
9. Release (Ten, 1991)
10. Low Light (Yield, 1998)
11. Faithfull (Yield, 1998)
12. Off He Goes (No Code, 1996)
13. Garden (Ten, 1991)
14. Love Boat Captain (Riot Act, 2003)
15. Better Man (Vitalogy, 1994)
16. Why Go (Ten, 1991)
17. Down (Lost Dogs, 2003)
18. Porch (Ten, 1991)
19. Wishlist (Yield, 1998)
20. Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
21. Animal (Vs., 1993)
22. Indifference (Vs., 1993)
23. Oceans (Ten, 1991)
24. Unthought Known (Backspacer, 2009)
25. Not For You (Vitalogy, 1994)
26. Man Of The Hour (Big Fish (Soundtrack), 2003)
27. Daughter (Vs., 1993)
28. Inside Job (Pearl Jam, 2006)
29. Footsteps (Lost Dogs, 2003)
30. Gone (Pearl Jam, 2006)
Putz. Me surpreendi com meu próprio set. Selecionar apenas 30 músicas do PJ numa coletânea é muito complicado, pois sempre alguns clássicos ficarão de fora.
ResponderExcluirBlack (Ten, 1991)
Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
Alive (Ten, 1991)
Better Man (Vitalogy, 1994)
Yellow Ledbetter (Lost Dogs, 2003)
State Of Love And Trust (Singles (Soundtrack), 1992)
Rearviewmirror (Vs., 1993)
Even Flow (Ten, 1991)
Do The Evolution (Yield, 1998)
Crown Of Thorns (Pearl Jam Twenty, 2011)
Jeremy (Ten, 1991)
Corduroy (Vitalogy, 1994)
Unthought Known (Backspacer, 2009)
Amongst The Waves (Backspacer, 2009)
Light Years (Binaural, 2000)
Insignificance (Binaural, 2000)
Wishlist (Yield, 1998)
Footsteps (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town (Vs., 1993)
Nothingman (Vitalogy, 1994)
Immortality (Vitalogy, 1994)
Porch (Ten, 1991)
Daughter (Vs., 1993)
I Got Id (Merkin Ball, 1996)
Brain Of J. (Yield, 1998)
Love Boat Captain (Riot Act, 2003)
Faithfull (Yield, 1998)
Off He Goes (No Code, 1996)
Leash (Vs., 1993)
Sad (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Vagner Mesquita
Infelizmente tive que escolher 30, outras que eu também adoro ficaram de fora, mas por questões históricas, sentimentais e sonoras aí vai minha lista:
ResponderExcluir1. Rearviewmirror (Vs., 1993)
2. Even Flow (Ten, 1991)
3. Hold On (Lost Dogs, 2003)
4. In My Tree (No Code, 1996)
5. Nothingman (Vitalogy, 1994)
6. Garden (Ten, 1991)
7. Hail Hail (No Code, 1996)
8. Black (Ten, 1991)
9. Jeremy (Ten, 1991)
10. Alive (Ten, 1991)
11. Long Road (Merkin Ball, 1996)
12. Immortality (Vitalogy, 1994)
13. Spin The Black Circle (Vitalogy, 1994)
14. Man Of The Hour (Big Fish (Soundtrack), 2003)
15. Tremor Christ (Vitalogy, 1994)
16. Sad (Lost Dogs, 2003)
17. Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
18. Dead Man (Lost Dogs, 2003)
19. All Or None (Riot Act, 2003)
20. Whipping (Vitalogy, 1994)
21. Off He Goes (No Code, 1996)
22. Red Mosquito (No Code, 1996)
23. Present Tense (No Code, 1996)
24. MFC (Yield, 1998)
25. Wishlist (Yield, 1998)
26. In Hiding (Yield, 1998)
27. Brain Of J. (Yield, 1998)
28. Insignificance (Binaural, 2000)
29. State Of Love And Trust (Singles (Soundtrack), 1992)
30. Just Breathe (Backspacer, 2009)
1.Black (TEN)
ResponderExcluir2.Jeremy (TEN)
3.Alive (TEN)
4.Animal (VS)
5.Who you are (NO CODE)
7.Off he goes (NO CODE)
8.Given to fly (YIELD)
9.Nothingman (VITALOGY)
10.Last Exit (VITALOGY)
11.Do the Evolution (YIELD)
12.Inside a job (AVOCADO)
13.Not for you (VITALOGY)
14.Comeback (AVOCADO)
15.Daughter (VS)
16.In hiding (YIELD)
17.Insignificance (BINAURAL)
18.Thumbing my way (RIOT ACT)
19.No way (YIELD)
20.Grievance (BINAURAL)
21.Yellow ledbetter
22.Why go (TEN)
23.Nothing as it seens (BINAURAL)
24.Indifference (VS)
25.Corduroy (VITALOGY)
26.Present Tense (NO CODE)
27.Life Wasted (AVOCADO)
28.Imortality (VITALOGY)
29.Lightning bolt (LIGHTNING BOLT)
W.M.A (Vs., 1993)
ResponderExcluirGarden (Ten, 1991)
Given To Fly (Yield, 1998)
Hold On (Lost Dogs, 2003)
I Got Id (Merkin Ball, 1996)
Oceans (Ten, 1991)
Sleight Of Hand (Binaural, 2000)
Immortality (Vitalogy, 1994)
Indifference (Vs., 1993)
In My Tree (No Code, 1996)
State Of Love And Trust (Singles (Soundtrack), 1992)
Parting Ways (Binaural, 2000)
Do The Evolution (Yield, 1998)
Release (Ten, 1991)
Jeremy (Ten, 1991)
Inside Job (Pearl Jam, 2006)
Alive (Ten, 1991)
Deep (Ten, 1991)
Off He Goes (No Code, 1996)
You Are (Riot Act, 2003)
Wash (Lost Dogs, 2003)
I Am Mine (Riot Act, 2003)
Grievance (Binaural, 2000)
Wishlist (Yield, 1998)
Alone (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Present Tense (No Code, 1996)
Footsteps (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Hard To Imagine (Lost Dogs, 2003)
Leash (Vs., 1993)
Rats (Vs., 1993)